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Kara-Balta School

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God turned tears to joy. (Makhabat).


I`m not ashamed to say that God saved me (Anelia).

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Samirs desire 

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Becoming more open (Alexandra).

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 God is the God of miracles

(Svetlana Golovina)

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Accepting Jesus (Andrei).

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Receiving hope and joy with Jesus (Angelika).

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A single mother sharing about Gods grace upon her big family (Galina).

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Finally, I can openly attend church (Kim Elena).

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Making this world a little brighter. (Artem).

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God brought me to the school. (Artur)


God hears our prayers and answers in His time (Janna)


With your prayers and financial support

One more child could get a quality education and hear the Good News

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