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The following is a testimony of Eduard, the spiritual coordinator at Belovodsk school.

Testimony| December 2023|Belovodsk school

      Hello, my name is Eduard Rybalchenko. I am 23 years old, I was born and grew up in the city of Kara-Balta. At the moment I live and work as a spiritual coordinator in the school of Belovodsk. (Kara-Balta city and Belovodsk village are about 30 km away from each other).

      When I was 7 years old my grandmother sent me to a Christian school in Kara-Balta. At the school I was told about Jesus and the spiritual coordinator of the school invited my brother and me to a local church. I started attending church regularly and after a while I believed in Jesus and gave my life to Him.

      In 2018 I graduated from high school, I was serving in the church at that time, and after high school I entered a technical college.


      In 2019 I accidentally came to the Christian school in Belovodsk village and in my heart I had a desire to serve in that place. I started traveling several times a week to the school and working as a spiritual coordinator. I shared the gospel faithfully with the students and at that moment some of them believed in Jesus. At that time I lived in Kara-Balta city but my heart was burning for the youth in Belovodsk village.

I prayed and God told me that I should go and start a ministry in Belovodsk. There were many doubts, fears but I trusted God.

      In 2021 my wife and I started a youth ministry in Belovodsk and we decided to move to that area completely. At that point we started to build a church and our ministry began to grow.

      In 2023 my wife and I began serving at the Belovodsk school as spiritual coordinators. My wife works with the lower grades and I work with the upper grades. I am very grateful to God and the people whom He called and opened their hearts to support our project. Now I can definitely say that since my childhood God protected me through the school and later led me to Him.


With your prayers and financial support

One more child could get a quality education and hear the Good News

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