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The following is a testimony of Oleg, student of Belovodsk school.

Testimony| February 2024|Belovodsk school

     My name is Oleg Mantsurov. I am 15 years old. I study in the 9th grade at the Christian school in Belovodsko village. I started attending the Light of Love church in Belovodsk about a year ago, accepted Jesus Christ into my heart and now I am serving in the media ministry. I want to tell you about how I came to God and to the church.

     In 6th grade I transferred to a Christian school. At first impression the school was ordinary but about 2 years ago a new coordinator came to our school. I liked his style of teaching and the friendly atmosphere in the lessons. We became friends with Eduard, our spiritual coordinator. He told me about God, about His love and invited me to the Young Life youth club. At the clubs we spent a lot of time, there were a lot of fun games, contests, dancing, live music. At the end of each club we were told a lot about God, that Jesus loves us and that He gave His life for each of us. It was all very interesting because it was all told in the language of teenagers. One day I decided to give my heart to Jesus and accept Him into my life.

      I also learned at the club that there were Sunday services. I was interested and decided to attend these meetings. There I learned and realized that the church is very good. The church is a family. I liked it very much and began to come to the service more and more often. After a while I became involved in the media ministry.

     Later I became active in a club that I had joined and where I learned about God. At the moment I am attending a home group for leaders and in the future I want to serve the youth. Sometimes I also want to be a coordinator in the school )


      I am very glad that one day I came to this school in Belovodsk and that I met Eduard. Now I am constantly go to church, I am in ministry, I am learning more about God, I am growing spiritually and I have many friends there.


With your prayers and financial support

One more child could get a quality education and hear the Good News

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