From October 14-18, the spiritual coordinators at the School of Blessings held a Week of Kindness event. Every day throughout the week there were special events at the school. One of them was the Gratitude Post where everyone could write a letter with kind words for their classmates, friends or teachers. Children made cards and letters with warm words with their own hands. On such days there is an atmosphere of kindness and support in the school. Children learn to appreciate each other, to notice positive qualities of their peers and teachers. Perhaps some of them will feel for the first time how important it is to talk about their feelings and share kind words.
Each class of the elementary school took part in the Quest Game. The children passed various challenges for speed, intelligence and agility. Our main task during the game was to teach children to help each other, to support and assist in the team, to be responsive to the needs of their friends. Children learn not only to compete, but also to support each other in difficult situations, which is very important for the formation of friendly relations and open hearts.
Also this week in our Bible lessons we spent a lot of time on kindness and gratitude. Why is it important to be kind? Why is it important to have a grateful heart? What has Jesus done for us that makes Him so good to us?
At the end of Kindness Week, the Coordinators organized a huge Charity Kindness Fair. This is the ninth time this annual event has been held at our school. The whole school takes part in it: teachers, students and their parents.
The fair opened with an address by the coordinators to the students. Then the Pastor of the local church “Temple of God” shared a word about the importance of kindness and mercy in our lives and prayed for the students and teachers. This was followed by fun concert performances.
During the concert, each class sets up their own table with what they have prepared. Everything can be found here: baked goods, salads, homemade sweets, homemade decorations and crafts.
The older classes prepare various games and entertainment, for which there is a small fee to participate. Usually there is a photo zone and colorful costumes at the celebration, creating a fun and pleasant mood.
The main purpose of this event is to raise finances to support the nursing home that our school has partnered with for many years. At the end, we tally all the money collected and announce the amount to the students. With this money, we organize a trip to the nursing home and purchase necessities for them. We are in constant contact with the head of the nursing home and find out about their needs. Elderly people usually need personal hygiene items, dishes, clothes, diapers. We try to always buy what they really need. And of course, each of the people living there receives a big gift with sweets and fruit.
Jesus taught us to forgive, serve and be kind, and His kindness to us is a model for us to follow. We can respond to that kindness by showing it in our lives and in our relationships with others. These are the truths we have tried to bring to the students of the school during Kindness Week.