Bringing the Gospel to children is the main goal of Mercy Foundation’s projects. Christmas is an important time for this mission. This year the situation has been complicated by the epidemiological situation in the country. In December, a flu quarantine was announced and all schools were switched to online education. In spite of this, all the projects of MCCF still held Christmas activities. Due to the fact that it was impossible to gather a large number of children, we invited students in small groups. Christmas events in the projects of the Foundation were held in different ways: some showed Christmas skits, some held intellectual games and contests, some visited the families of students and talked about the meaning of Christmas. One of our projects the Gym in Tokmok arranged an online quest for the children of the city, and over a hundred children took part in it. All of our students and some of the children in the city were involved in the atmosphere of Christmas and all heard the message of salvation. Each child, during the above activities, received a gift that symbolized the gift of Jesus himself - the hope of eternal life.
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