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The following is a testimony of a new team member in the GYM. Milana.

Testimony| December 2021| GYM

  I am 14 years old, and I study in a public school in Tokmok city. I was 6 years old when I first came to the GYM. I have changed the way I think about my life, since I first heard about God. I believe in God and I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I have not accepted Him yet, but I want to learn about him more and more.


   Recently I joined the GYM’s home group, where we study God’s Word and His character. I believe that God will do something in my life through the home group meetings.              

   There is a very kind atmosphere in the GYM. There is not any judgment or humiliation, and everyone can have their own opinion and choice. There, you can make good friends, as well as get life advice that helps to cope with difficulties. Once at a Sunday meeting, there was a talk about keeping ourselves until marriage. I really want to be the first for my husband as well as he is the first for me. I was so encouraged that I can develop as a person and share about my problems in the GYM.


   With a trembling heart, I thank God for giving me the opportunity to have parents and a family, a home, health, food, and friends. He cares for me, and I want to know Him more. There was an incident that could have taken my life when I was 10 years old. On August 3, 2019, I felt a severe pain in my stomach. My mother gave me antibiotics, which helped for a while, but over time, the pain became so unbearable that we had to call an ambulance. I am a very patient person. When I asked my mother for help, she told me not to complain because someone else's situation could be much worse than mine. It turned out that I had appendicitis. The surgery was successful, but if I had delayed it for one more day, the appendix would have burst, because it had been inflamed for a very long time. In that case, the surgery would have been much more difficult. In fact, I thought I was going to die. God saved me and took care of everything. 

   Now I have became a team member in the GYM's ministry. I help everywhere, but mostly help in the meetings with teenagers and youth on Sundays. I love what I am doing. 


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