The following is a testimony of a graduate student of Belovodsk School, Maxim Haritonov.
Testimony | September 2021| Belovodsk School
"God changed my life when I realized the sacrifice He made for me"
This year I am graduating from Belovodsk Christian School. I transferred to this school in 6th grade, it felt like I’m in an absolutely new world. First, I was very surprised by the school environment: well-equipped classrooms, new textbooks, and very kind teachers. Changes were expected of me in a new world.
In my previous school. I experienced pressure from teachers of other nationalities. I was underestimated and prejudiced. When I came to this school, I saw that teachers and students of different nationalities live together in peace. In moral lessons, I began to learn stories from the Bible that were absolutely new to me. I started getting answers to questions that were bothering me for a long time. I learned that I am not just a product of evolution but a masterpiece created by God. I learned that there is eternal life and that faith in Jesus saves everyone.
I got to know Jesus and believed in Him. I realized the sacrifice He made for me. My heart became open to God. After that change came to my life, I became more kind to people and started growing in love. Up until 9th grade, I had a hard time in some subjects and it was very frustrating. On Christmas Eve, I prayed to God to help me with my studies. God answered my prayers, from that moment I began to study hard, and with God's help I became better. Today I am on the threshold of new discoveries and my school life is ending. Next, I will go to university.
I am grateful to everyone who was involved in my spiritual formation. I am grateful to God for the teachers who put the seeds of faith in me.